Camp Dates: June 16-August 15th, 2025.
Camp Drop Off & Pick UP Procedures at:
Bishop Diego School, 4000 La Colina Rd.
Art Explorers Studio, 5330 Debbie Rd. Suite 100
Drop off is between 8:40-8:55. Please arrive no later than 8:55 as our Camp Day starts on time at 9am.
Step 1: Know the name of your child’s camp so that check-in is smooth and easy for all families. To see your child’s camps, go to our website: TerrificScientific.org and click on “parent login” tab at top of website. Enter your ACTIVe credentials and you will see all camps/classes that your child has been registered to attend.
Step 2: At Bishop Diego School: park your car in the school parking lot and walk your child to the check-in tables at the front school gate. Look for the name of your child’s camp on the check-in tables and check in there.
At Art Explorers Studio: park your care and walk your child to the check-in tables.
- Children say goodbye to their parent at the check-in table and enter the gate with one of our counselors.
- PICK-UP of your child will be in the same location at the end of your child’s camp day between 3:30-3:40. Please park your car and walk to the check out table to get your child or children.
- Aftercare is available at Bishop Diego ONLY from 3:30-5:00 Monday-Thursday (unless a holiday) and must be signed up for in advance. In the event of an urgent or unanticipated situation, a camper can enroll for one day if the request is made directly to the Director. Fee is $12. There is no aftercare on Fridays due to break down and set up of camps.
- Once a week, we have a “child appropriate” movie that campers can choose to watch. Each day campers participate in outside game time and inside creative projects and reading time depending on their interest.
- Campers not picked up on time will go to Aftercare and the Aftercare fee of $15 will be charged.
- Add names of people who can pick up your child into your ACTIVE account. https://campsself.active.com/artexplorersterrificscientific
To PICK-UP EARLY, please send an email on the day of the event. When you arrive, park in the lot and come to the check-in desk. We will call for your child when you arrive.
Parent/Child “Campus Walk About” -Wednesdays, 3:30pm
On Wednesdays, pick up your child and let them give you a guided tour of the lovely Bishop Diego campus and their classroom. This is an informal walk about!
Hot Lunch Provided by Nu Cuisine
Nu Cuisine is the provider of our camp lunches! They provide healthy, organic, vegetarian option, ALL MADE FROM SCRATCH, are State of CA certified, and serve public and private schools in Santa Barbara County. Koji Nomura is the owner of Nu Cuisine and has owned and operated Piranha Restaurant & Sushi, California Noodle Kitchen, Rocket Burrito, Miso Hungry, Santa Barbara Tennis Club Cafe, and OKU Restaurant and Sushi.
We keep it simple! There is no daily option or selection to choose from. Our Kid-preferred weekly menu for the 9 weeks of summer includes: protein, carbs, fruit and vegetables. When registering for camp, select the lunch option for either vegetarian or meat based lunch. See Sample Menu’s below:
Forgot to ADD Lunches or Aftercare when you registered? Follow these directions to add:
- Must be ordered a week in advance of your child’s camp.
- Click this link for directions: https://support.activenetwork.com/camps/articles/en_US/Article/Add-Session-Options-Merchandise-after-Registration-via-Online-Account-Camp?searchIn=allTypes
- Next, go into your ACTIVe Account and complete your order: https://campsself.active.com/artexplorersterrificscientific
SAMPLE MENUS Prepared by NuCuisine
I. Meat based Lunch Menus:
- Pepperoni Pizza
- Pasta and Meatballs
- Pesto Chicken Pasta
- Alfredo Chicken Pasta
- Orange or Teriyaki chicken rice bowl
- Chicken Potsticker rice bowl
- Asian chicken salad
- Chicken Caesar salad
- Cheeseburger with fries
- Chicken tenders with fries
- Chicken soft tacos
- Crunchy beef tacos
- Beef burritos
- Mac & Cheese
- Eggs & Waffles/Syrup
II. Vegetarian based Lunch Menus
- Bean and cheese burrito
- Grilled Cheese Sandwich with fries
- Quesadilla
- Veggie Burger with fries
- Pasta Alfredo
- Pesto Pasta – Sunflower Seeds
- Mac & Cheese
- Tofu Asian Salad
- Tofu Caesar Salad
- Vegetarian Chili/Tortilla chips
- Pasta Marinara
- Cheese Pizza
- Cheese Ravioli w/ Marinara Sauce
- Eggs & Waffles/Syrup
- Vegetarian Pot Stickers Rice Bowl

8:40-8:55 Drop off – Outdoor Group Activities
Morning Activities 9:00am
Icebreakers/Tribes:10 min
Project Time: 1.5 hr. lesson/project
Break: 15 min snack//bathroom break
Project Time: 1 hr. lesson/project
60 min lunch break & outdoor play
Afternoon Activities
Icebreakers/Tribes:10 min
ProjectTime: 1.25 hr. lesson/project
Break: 15 min snack/bathroom break
Project Time: 1 hr. lesson/project
Finish up/clean-up :10 min. Move out to pick up area

Cancellation Policy:
Our flexible cancellation and transfer policy allows you to make timely changes in your summer schedule or receive camp credit if your child cannot attend. Camp credit is good for 2 years.
Changes in schedule:
Transfers in schedule incur a $25 administrative fee and need to be requested by email.
Cancellations: Parents can self-cancel on ACTIVe.
- 24 hr cancellation – full refund.
- 2/9-2/28 – $25 cancellation fee. Balance refunded to your credit card.
- 3/1-4/15 – $50 cancellation fee per camp. Balance refunded to your credit card.
- 4/16-5/31 – $50 cancellation fee per camp. Balance refunded Only to ACTIVE credit and future use up to 2 years.
- 6/1 -8/5 – No refunds or credits will be issued.
- If your child becomes sick or has an injury the week of their camp, we will credit your account or transfer them to a different week at no charge.
- No refunds are given if you remove your child from camp due to a mask mandate or COVID testing requirement. ACTIVE credit may be issued.
What to Bring to Camp:
- Bring a healthy snack and a water bottle daily, as well as lunch if you choose NOT to order hot lunch. Please NO sodas, high sugar desserts, candy OR NUTS! Please do not bring any type of nuts or peanut butter sandwiches to camp. We frequently have campers with severe nut allergies and even tiny amounts can cause life-threatening or anaphylactic reactions.
- Campers should wear clothes that are easy to play in and closed-toe shoes! Since campers have activities on a large field, closed toed shoes work the best, not sandals.
- Please DO NOT bring phone or toys. However, if a plushie is needed for comfort or anxiety, that is fine.
Covid Protocols & Classroom Space
- We encourage all students to be COVID vaccinated.
- All Art Explorers/Terrific Scientific staff are vaccinated.
- Masks are currently NOT required for staff and students. However, we reserve the right to institute masks to be worn in class or to require COVID antigen testing prior to attending camps in the event of an upsurge in COVID either in camps or in the SB Community.
- We will take all precautions necessary to protect students and instructors based on our own assessment of local infection rates as well as Public Health guidelines .
Why Choose Us for Your Child’s Camp This Summer?
Safety First:
We take physical safety and emotional safety very seriously. Children are supervised at all times, our staff are background checked, and we have a zero tolerance for bullying of any type. We respect and affirm EVERY child, parent, and teacher, and will not tolerate any form of prejudicial or demeaning comments, jokes or actions. Children like adults do have disagreements and our staff work to resolve those in a caring and responsible way. Our goal is to provide an environment where children feel accepted, are assisted to get to know each other, feel welcome, and involved in their own learning. We use Tribes Education to encourage that behavior. In the morning and afternoon, each classroom participates in activities that encourage inclusivity, build community, and develop social/emotional growth. Please let us know at any time if you have concerns. We strive to be NUT-FREE. Please do not bring nuts or peanut butter sandwiches to camp. We frequently have campers with severe nut allergies and even tiny amounts can cause life-threatening or anaphylactic reactions.
We are a welcoming environment for ALL children regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. We affirm every child’s right to the name or pronoun they wish to be called. Through community building activities we help children be inclusive, kind, and make new friends.
Our staff/child ratio is 1:12. Our male and female staff are comprised of teachers, professionals, graduate and undergraduate college students in the departments of science, engineering, medicine, education, computer science, math, and art. When hiring, our top priority is to have staff who LOVE working with kids, are smart, can communicate effectively with children and parents, and work together as a team. We have high expectations of our staff: warm, enthusiastic, engaging, a smile on their face, prepared for each day, and committed to making camp a wonderful experience for kids. We provide training to counselors in the curriculum they will teach, classroom management skills, safety rules, and Tribes education.
Cutting Edge Curriculum:
65 DIFFERENT Camps… the largest array of different camps in Santa Barbara County! We have created an unparalleled set of cutting edge programs designed for the young mind ages 5-14. Our philosophy is to develop a hands-on, minds-on, challenging STEAM program for girls and boys that lays the foundation for innovative minds, problem solvers and design thinkers of the future. Camp curriculum is inquiry based, developed by a team of professionals and “kid-tested” to ensure that camps are fun, full of learning concepts, and have a track record of being successful!
Select the Right Camp and Help Your Child Be Successful
Critical to a successful camp experience is that your child knows the content of the camp in which he/she is enrolled. Be sure that both you and your child have read the camp description and that it is a good fit. Encouraging your child to try something new is always a positive effort, but ensure your child knows what they are trying! If your child has never been to camp before, please go over the schedule of the day, talk with them about how you will drop them off and return, and remind them to go to their instructor with any questions or worries.
Saying Goodbye to Your Camper
Once your camper is checked in on the first day, please say goodbye at the gate as our staff will escort them into the courtyard or classroom. Parents do not continue past the gate so that we are able to maintain safety and security. Stay super positive, check your own anxiety, and be clear with your child as to the procedure. We find it is easier for kids to “leave” their parent, rather than their parent “leaving them”. For the afternoon pick-up, campers will be grouped by camp with their instructor. For everyone’s safety, make sure you check your child out from the instructor.
Wednesdays – Parent/Child “Campus Walk Through” – 3:30pm.
On Wednesday afternoons at 3:30pm, parents pick up your child and let them give you a guided tour of the lovely Bishop Diego campus and into their classroom. This is an informal walk about!
Grouping by grade and age levels
Our camps are grouped by age levels and each week we have a selection of camps appropriate for Kindergarten-8th grade. Please do not enroll your child for a camp that requires a higher grade level than your child is entering. We try very hard to keep our camps and campers matched at the appropriate social maturity level, reading skill ability, and curriculum content. Enrolling your child in a camp where there is not an age appropriate fit makes it challenging not only for your child, but for the other campers and the instructor. Sometimes parents ask if they can enroll their younger child with an older sibling because they want to be together. Please let your child know they will see their sibling at recess, lunch and playtime, but will not be together in a specific camp. Let your children know that camp is a great opportunity to make new friends and they can come back year after year looking forward to the next level of camp! If you have questions, please email or call.
Behavior Expectations of All Children:
- Talk with your child about being KIND in words and in action. Have a conversation about how to make friends and appropriate behaviors.
- Please remind them to keep their hands to themselves and not wrestle, grab, roughhouse or get in another child’s face. Some children are adverse to being touched and it is important to respect body boundaries.
- Some children try to get attention by using inappropriate language, jokes or bodily noises they think are funny. When a staff person becomes aware of this behavior, it will be stopped and parents notified.
- Encourage your child to come to camp with a positive attitude, be inclusive of other kids, and make new friends. We do our part through ice breaker activities and Tribes activities to help children learn about each other. If your child comes with friends, encourage them to include others and not isolate in a clique.
- Review what bullying means. Use this LINK to talk with your child.
- We have a ZERO tolerance for bullying. One warning, further negative behaviors will result in being sent home.
If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of our camps, our directors or instructors are available to talk with you. Our goal is always to have a positive atmosphere and experience for our campers, instructors and parents. Being respectful and modeling appropriate communications is critical for our kids to observe as well as to resolve any issues.
Administration of Medicine
If your child requires any medications during the time he/she is at the camp, please download this form and print it, fill in the required information, and bring it with the child on the first day of camp. Administration of Medicine Form (Click Link to Download Form)
Camp Evaluation Form
After your child returns home from Summer Camp, we ask that you fill out the online Camp Evaluation Form. Your input will greatly help us improve the camps and course offerings. We can’t wait to hear from you! Online Camp Evaluation Form.