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2019 Annual Gift Making Camp
WEDNESDAY is the only day available with 3 spaces left. Thank you for enrolling your child with us!
Registration is NOW OPEN! Don’t wait, we fill up every year!
The Gift of Art Camp: November 25-27, 2019
(Monday-Wednesday before Thanksgiving)
Time: 9:00AM-3:30PM
Grades: 1st-6th
From exquisite drawings and paintings to intricate mixed media projects, and clay sculptures, your child will create original gifts of art for their loved ones. In this special camp, each day’s curriculum is different and includes a variety of art media and framed projects. Framing includes canvas panels with hangers, mat or metal frames, or intricate mounting on specialty paper, each chosen to ensure that your child’s art work will look its best for gift giving. Campers will design and decorate gift cards and bags for their art pieces. Bring snack, lunch and water.
Fee: Early Bird rate of $195 for 3 days, ends October 22, 2019. Regular 3-day camp rate: $215; Individual days $72 p/day.
Flexible Schedule: Choose 1 day or all 3 days.
Location: Art Explorers Studio, 5370 H0llister Ave. Ste 2. SB. Located 2 blocks from the Patterson/Hollister Intersection.
To Enroll, Click REGISTER Button at Top of Page!
Exciting program topics!
Environmental Science, Rocketry, Chemistry, Paleontology, Forensics, Culinary Science, Oceanography, Biology, Medicine, Technology and many other disciplines of science. All Terrific Scientific lessons are designed to help with the development of the following scientific process skills: observing, classifying, comparing, measuring, critical thinking, predicting, hypothesizing, sequencing and experimentation. For elementary and middle school students, Terrific Scientific’s after school enrichment program consists of weekly one hour sessions that last for 8-12 weeks (depending on location). Classes are conveniently held on your child’s school campus, and start immediately after school ends. After school classes are also held at the Terrific Scientific Studio, conveniently located in Old Town Goleta, at 5370 Hollister Ave, Ste 2, near the intersection of Patterson and Hollister Ave. The same classes are offered, just different days and times!

Workshops 2016-17
Parent Child Robotics Workshop:
Friday, October 14th 6:30-8:00pm
Friday, November 4th 6:30-8:00pm
Come enjoy an evening exploring the world of robotics with your child! Using Dash and Dot, our programmable, adorable, and controllable robots, you will work collaboratively to complete challenges, tell a story, run an obstacle course and much more! No prior knowledge of robotics is needed. You will need to register in advance. No walk-ins.
Just come and have a blast with your child!
Halloween Workshop
Spooktacular Workshop I (full day) 9am-3:30pm Gr. 1-6 Fee: $65
Join us for a creepily, creative Saturday of Halloween & Dia De Los Muertos art projects. From creating a haunted house diorama, to sewing bats, painting spooky owls, and designing and decorating your own mask or skeleton, we have planned a spooktacularly fun day with great projects. We will group kids in young and older sub groups to be with their peers. Bring lunch, snack & water.
Spooktacular Workshop II (AM only) 9am-12:00pm Gr. 1-6 Fee: $33
Half-day session, morning only! Join us for a creepily, creative Saturday of Halloween & Dia De Los Muertos art projects. From creating a haunted house diorama, to painting spooky owls, we have planned a spooktacularly fun MORNING with great projects. We will group kids in younger and older sub groups to be with their peers. Bring snack and water. Kids go home for lunch.
Spooktacular Workshop III (PM Only) 12:30pm-3:30pm Gr. 1-6 Fee: $33
Join us for a creepily, creative Saturday afternoon of Halloween & Dia De Los Muertos art projects. From sewing bats to designing and decorating your own mask or skeleton, we have planned a spooktacularly fun AFTERNOON with great projects. We will group kids in young and older sub groups to be with their peers. Please ensure kids have had lunch BEFORE they arrive at camp. Bring snack & water for afternoon recess.
Fall Session: September 12-December 16, 2016
Winter Session: January 9-March 23, 2017
Spring Session: April 3- May 26, 2017
Click here for a full description of classes.
Summer Camps 2017 – Ages 5-15!
Terrific Scientific offers 50 different science camp themes in 3 different age groups. Join us for 1 week or all 8 weeks of exploring, experimenting and solving challenges that makes science fun and exciting!
Click here for a full description of camps.
Camp prices start at $299 per week. We encourage your child to try both our after school programs and summer day camps.